Saturday, July 6, 2019

6 We Should Know the Significance of God’s Raising Up the Man Used by the Holy Spirit

He Yi Zhuanghe City, Liaoning Province

In “Ten Administrative Decrees God’s Chosen People Must Keep” it is stipulated: “In the work or the church affairs, apart from obeying God, you should take orders from the man used by the Holy Spirit in everything and should not disobey any of them but should obey them absolutely. Do not analyze whether they are right or wrong. Whether they are right or wrong has nothing to do with you. You should just obey them absolutely.” However, many people do not understand why God requires us to absolutely obey the man used by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, some of them do not value at all the work of the man used by the Holy Spirit, always thinking that the man used by the Holy Spirit is after all a man and not God, so the work he does is not likely in complete accordance with God’s will and is not necessarily one hundred percent reliable and correct. With such a thought, some are simply unwilling to read the fellowships and preachings of the man used by the Holy Spirit, thinking that they would rather read more of God’s word than “The Fellowship of the Man” if they have time. Others, even though they read “The Fellowship of the Man,” simply skim over it, making no attempt to understand the truth or God’s will from it. And still others only know that no matter whether the word of God fits their notions, they should accept and obey it and should not pass judgment on it recklessly. But as to the fellowship of the man used by the Holy Spirit, if they find in it anything that does not fit their notions, they cannot accept it, and they dare to judge and criticize it at will, saying, “How could the man used by the Holy Spirit speak like this? How could he use some popular sayings, such as, ‘to see whether it is a horse or mule, just let it have a race,’ ‘Pig fights against a demon—can do nothing,’ and so on?” And when any work arrangement does not fit their notions, they have doubts for fear that it may be from man’s will. For example, on the stipulations about expelling and purging people, many of them had this thought: “God’s will is to save man to the utmost. Could these stipulations about expelling people be in accordance with God’s will?” Also when the work arrangement required that people be classified into different groups for meetings, they again had a thought: “If this is carried out, won’t those who do not pursue fall? Isn’t it devoid of love? Could this be God’s will? Isn’t it likely to be a method thought up by the man used by the Holy Spirit?” We have such attitudes toward and opinions about the work of the man used by the Holy Spirit mainly because of three reasons: the first is that we do not understand the substance of the work of the man used by the Holy Spirit, the second is that we do not understand why God raises up the man used by the Holy Spirit, and the third is that we do not know the nature and the consequences of not accepting the work of the man used by the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

The Word of Christ of the Last Days | "God Himself, the Unique V: God's Holiness (II)" (Part Three)

God's words in this video are from the book The Word Appears in the Flesh. The content of this video:

1. How Satan Uses Knowledge to Corrupt Man

2. How Satan Uses Science to Corrupt Man

3. How Satan Uses Traditional Culture to Corrupt Man

4. How Satan Uses Superstition to Corrupt Man

Source:The Church of Almighty God 

Recommended : Readings of Utterances of Christ of the Last Days: Let us know all the mysteries about God from the utterances of the Christ of the last days, Almighty God.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

5 We Should Truly Accept the Chastisement and Judgment of God’s word

Danchun Luoyang City, Henan Province

We all know that what God does in the end time is the work of chastising and judging by the word, and that only if one truly accepts the chastisement and judgment of God’s word can he gain the transformation of his disposition and be saved by God. Then, what does it mean to truly accept the chastisement and judgment of God’s word? Some people think: Now I have no notions about God’s word. Whatever God’s word says is right, and I have no opinions about it; whatever God says I acknowledge. This means that I have accepted the chastisement and judgment of God’s word. Some think: Now I can know in God’s word that I am arrogant, crafty, and devoid of conscience and sense, and that I have been too deeply corrupted by satan. This means that I have accepted the chastisement and judgment of God’s word. Still some think: I can know in God’s word what kind of people God likes, what kind of people God hates, what kind of people God perfects, and what kind of people God eliminates. This means that I have accepted the chastisement and judgment of God’s word. Actually, these are only our own imagined standards and are not in accordance with the truth.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

4 It Is Most Crucial to Pursue the Truth While Believing in God

Kang Rong Anqing City, Anhui Province

Now, brothers and sisters generally have such states: Those who lead the church only care to go around the church without being idle; those who preach the gospel only pay attention to gaining people; those who do general affairs only busy themselves with doing them properly; those who do hosting only think of hosting the brothers and sisters properly; those who cannot perform duties just keep attending meetings regularly without leaving God’s family. In short, those who perform duties only desire to get things done, and those who cannot perform duties are content merely with attending meetings; none pays attention to eating and drinking God’s word, to pursuing the truth, and to their personal life entering in. People all think in their notions that pursuing the truth is not important, and that as long as they perform their duty properly and do not leave God’s family, they can be saved and left.